Tag Archives | featured

The Philly sports big 4

Who Is The Biggest Philly Sports Icon?

With the NCAA Tournament in full swing, there is no shortage of movie, TV and music tournaments being played out bracket-style. I thought why not start a debate of my own and find the biggest Philly sports icon. The Quest to Find The Biggest Philly Sports Icon A few disclaimers here, the first and most importantly […]

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Here are the 2015 oscar nominations for best picture

Ranking The 2015 Oscar Nominations for Best Picture

We’ve finally reached Oscar week. As I’ve done for the past 5 years or so, I made it a point to watch every film nominated for Best Picture by The Academy. To make it a little more entertaining this year I decided to rank them, which is something we’ve also been doing on The Showcast over the […]

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home team

How to Root for Your Home Team When They Stink

The sports teams I root for don’t win all that much. I know this may shock you being from a championship-rich city like Philadelphia (that’s sarcasm). Alas, I still find a way to root for my big 4 – the Phillies, Sixers, Eagles and Flyers. Couple that with my fandom of a few soccer teams to […]

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Comparing The World Cup to The NBA

Welcome to my first post of many in my attempt to become a successful sports journalist, whatever that looks like. So considering this is my first shot, let’s talk about something everyone will love, something everyone can get into and relate to. Let’s talk about Soccer! Do not fear, all of America. I’ll make this […]

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Mastery in Transformational Training – My Experience

As a Philly guy born and bred, moving 3,000 miles out west to Los Angeles for three months can be considered a big step. I’ve been getting a lot of questions from friends and family back home. They’ve varied in nature and tone, but I can pretty much sum them all up into one: “So what […]

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