Tag Archives | Sixers


Are The Sixers In Better Shape Than The Eagles?

To say the state of sports in the city of Philadelphia is fragile right now would be quite the understatement. Over the past 20 months or so the Sixers have been the subject of tanking criticisms and the butt of injury jokes. Jahlil Okafor was hurt for about 5 minutes during a Duke game this year […]

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home team

How to Root for Your Home Team When They Stink

The sports teams I root for don’t win all that much. I know this may shock you being from a championship-rich city like Philadelphia (that’s sarcasm). Alas, I still find a way to root for my big 4 – the Phillies, Sixers, Eagles and Flyers. Couple that with my fandom of a few soccer teams to […]

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