**Note: This article originally published in The Reporter and at ReporterOnline.com**
TOWAMENCIN >> If you happened to be roaming the halls of North Penn High School Wednesday afternoon, you would notice the same question coming from every passing student.
“Where’s Brandon McManus? How can I find Brandon McManus?”
The Super Bowl winning kicker stopped by his alma mater Wednesday in a surprise visit to celebrate both McManus’ achievements and his charity.

Summer Sieller takes a selfie with Super Bowl champion Denver Broncos kicker and North Penn High School alumni Brandon McManus March 9, 2016. McManus stopped by his old high school to visit with former teachers and students. Sieller was McManus’s English teacher. (Gene Walsh – Digital First Media)
“Obviously I wanted to come back and say hi to my former high school,” McManus said. “(I wanted to) thank them for the support… just hearing screams in the hallways and stuff it’s pretty exciting and humbling to me.”
Between the visits to his high school teachers and countless photos being taken with students in the hallways, North Penn’s Student Government Association was also able to present McManus with a $2,500 check to his charity, the Anti Bully Squad.
“We have spirit days throughout the whole month, so this was just a way to build school spirit; and not only school spirit but community spirit as well,” SGA president Katie Solomon said.
The SGA raised money through a T-shirt selling campaign that featured the Denver Broncos’ colors and McManus’ name and number.
“I didn’t come up with the idea — they came up with that on their own,” McManus said. “I couldn’t thank them enough for having the initiative to do that. Obviously the bonus is they were able to raise some money and give some back to my charity, which is unbelievable by them.”
“It was something that everyone got behind,” Solomon added. “We sold shirts not only at our school but the elementary schools and middle schools as well”
The check was presented on NPTV as McManus posed with the entire Student Government Association.
“To see the actual person, it makes it a little more worth while; to see the gratification rather than a tweet,” Solomon said. To actually meet him and see that he’s just as supportive for us as we are for him it means a lot.”
In visiting his old teachers, McManus was able to reminisce about his high school days and remember his roots, which is something the humble kicker from Hatfield never really forgot. The real excitement came for the teenagers who got to meet a Super Bowl champion.
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