Legion recap: Season 1, Episode 6, “Chapter 6,” Aired March 15, 2016
Last week we discussed the show-twisting ending to Legion 1×05, suggesting the entire show is in Sydney’s crazy head. In Legion 1×06 we learned it’s not just Sydney’s head. EVERYBODY IN THE DAMN SHOW IS NUTS.
That’s one thing we think we know for free right away. You’re welcome.
Regardless, there are plenty of character developments in Legion 1×06. Essentially we were living in X-Men world before, and now we’re living in a crazy world. Let’s get to it.
X-Men World: Lenny is the schizophrenic creation of David’s mind. Whether it be as Lenny, Benny, a dog, or a crazed fat monster, she is nothing but trouble. Whenever David relapses while “doing the work,” Lenny is the main cause. Essentially she’s shit hitting the fan personified.
Crazy Person World: My how the tables have turned. The crazy has all the sudden become the sane in Legion 1×06. We see Lenny as the doctor in this episode, treating characters rather than driving them mad.
I will say this, however. Lenny does get plenty weird — in that dancing scene, and with David toward the end of the episode — showing she might not be all that she’s putting on. Clearly she has an infatuation with David and is trying to detach him from Sydney. She also mentions that The Eye is the only one who gets it at one point. There’s a chance she’s working on the other side, suppressing David and the others as a tactic to win this war.
X-Men World: Sydney is much more than just a love interest of David’s. It can be argued she is as much of a show focal point as David (I’ve argued it) and that her powers are just as strong. She can’t be touched, but once she is some action is about to happen.
Crazy Person World: Well she still can’t be touched. But this time around it’s simply because she doesn’t like it. Kind of takes away from the allure and excitement of why she can’t be touched in mutant land. She’s also visited by the deep sea diver at the end of the episode, which left quite a cliffhanger.
Sydney is also part of a parallel scene that we’ve seen in a previous episode, where she’s laying in bed with David. Obviously the scene plays out a bit differently because it’s being portrayed in a different world. I actually thought these parallel scenes were the best part of Legion 1×06. It makes the viewer pay attention and rewards them when they do.
X-Men World: Ptonomy is a key cog in making sure everyone is “doing the work.” His ability to jump in, jump out, and rewind memories make it so our superhero friends using their powers to the fullest.
Crazy Person World: The biggest thing that happens involving Ptonomy in Legion 1×06 occurs during another one of those parallel scenes. He’s sitting next to David, watching someone drool all over themselves. That spot, of course, belonged to Lenny in the series premiere. So maybe there’s something to be said about that. We also learn that the kitchen memory David was in may in fact be Ptonomy’s and he keeps coming back to it in therapy sessions. There’s more reveal to come regarding this character.
Amy Haller
X-Men World: David’s sister was as hopeless as can be in a world amongst mutants. Playing dumb pretty much all the time, Amy was the reason David went back to the asylum and turned into that destructive blob that no one could control. In turn she also led the team into that trap of Sydney stepping in front of gunfire directed at David, which is a memory everyone seems to come back to.
Crazy Person World: Amy has had a Lenny-like transformation, in that she’s gone from hopeless to the one in complete control as an institution nurse. She’s also pretty mean and spiteful, especially to David. In X-Men world it seemed like all the trouble she caused was inadvertent; in this world there’s nothing inadvertent about it.
Melanie Bird
X-Men World: Melanie found herself as the leader of the “good guys.” She rescued David from the psych ward, rehabbed him back to full strength, and had her side prepared for war. She was also hoping David could maybe, hopefully, rescue her husband from an ice chamber.
Crazy Person World: Oliver Bird is dead, and has been for 20 years. We have no indication of him being preserved somewhere. Melanie believes that her husband is coming back for her, however, which is the driving force behind her institution. She also has an infatuation with spraying flowers, which I haven’t figured out. Comment away if I’m missing something.
My Character Development
I know, I know. Stop being so self-centered. Just a quick thought about the show progression from my perspective.
I think I’m starting to go sour on Legion. I don’t feel great about saying it, but there’s a difference between originality and so off-the-wall that the show can’t be followed. The latest FX original has blurred that line the entire time, but it may have crossed for me in chapters 5 and 6.
Hopefully I’m wrong and we get a perfect ending in the final two episodes of season 1. And the show was just picked up for season 2, so they hold all the power. Which is really what it’s all about.
Legion airs Wednesdays at 10pm EST on FX.
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