Note: This is a spoiler-free The Hummingbird Project movie review
This movie is 7 million milliseconds long. That may sound like a lot, but one can mean everything. Find out why in this The Hummingbird Project review.
Driven by an out-of-character performance by Alexander Skarsgård and a strong, very in-character performance by Jesse Eisenberg, The Hummingbird Project shines an interesting light on a widely unknown world.
First, let me give you an IMDb special since this film is a bit on the indie side. A pair of high-frequency traders go up against their old boss in an effort to make millions in a fiber-optic cable deal. Essentially two different groups are in a race to save one millisecond and make hundreds of millions of dollars.
That’s simply what the movie is about. A pair of main actors make The Hummingbird Project go. Eisenberg and Skarsgård have excellent dichotomy and work together well on screen.
Of the two, Skarsgård’s star shines brightest as the brilliant coder Anton Zaleski. Zaleski is as neurotic and awkward as he is intelligent, and he finds a way to pop off the screen despite being a recluse.
It’s a long way from the confident vampire in True Blood or the domineering husband in Big Little Lies, but Skarsgård uses the opportunity to display his range. He personifies the stress and tension that is a common thread throughout the film mostly but also provides the laughs when they come and is the most relatable character on the screen.
There’s no two ways about it. This is a unique and standout performance for Alexander Skarsgård.
Egotistical Eisenberg Enters The Electronic Ethos Again
Where Skarsgård seems to be in pursuit of something different, Jesse Eisenberg knows exactly what works for him just fine thanks. The Social Network star is back again as a too-smart-for-you prick in the role of Vincent Zaleski.
Almost the opposite of his cousin Anton, Vinny is the businessman behind The Hummingbird Project and not afraid to tell you when he’s not getting what he wants. He’s ruthless, vindictive, and has made it his life’s work to build a 700-mile tunnel. He also gets a life-altering bomb during that work to bring on some introspection and character shift.
It’s clear that Eisenberg is comfortable in his role throughout The Hummingbird Project. It takes a unique skill to bring the quick, witty, and gifted to every single scene and he does it better than almost anyone. The only issue is he’s so good at rubbing you the wrong way it makes him difficult to sympathize with when you’re supposed to.
Should I Go See The Hummingbird Project?
Unfortunately, the shortcomings of The Hummingbird Project are the reason the film can wait until it leaves the theater. The story lacks a payoff at the end and a spark for long periods in the middle. The effort to keep audience interest is present, but it’s tough when discussing tunnels filled with fiber-optic cable.
If you’re here for high-quality acting performances, this film is for you. If you like to see good writing showcased on the big screen, not so much.
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(Featured Image courtesy of The Orchard)
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